Deutsche Mark

  • 德国马克(德国的货币单位)
Deutsche MarkDeutsche Mark
  1. As for mark , this means mainly the deutsche mark , for example .


  2. The edge of a " weak " currency , compared to the old Deutsche Mark , also enabled Germany to garner booming sales in China and other Asian countries hungry for its cars and machine tools .


  3. The French franc and the deutsche mark are also in use between countries , aren 't they ?


  4. 40 Years for F. R. G. Deutsche Mark : Experience , Enlightenment and Lessons Drawn from


  5. Economists agree that the euro is weaker against other major currencies than the German deutsche mark would be .


  6. After the Deutsche Mark was absorbed by the euro in2002 , the currency was put on a fixed exchange rate to the new European currency instead .


  7. The exchange rate of the euro is weaker than it would be , all things being equal , if Germany had kept its old currency , the Deutsche mark .


  8. As a town best known for trade and money , it is no surprise that Dusseldorf is a showcase for all the good things the Deutsche Mark can buy .


  9. First , it exports more to non-eurozone countries because the exchange rate of the euro is weaker than it would be , all things being equal , if it had stayed on the Deutsche Mark .


  10. In the second part , the writer , taking such major currencies in the history of world economy as Pound , Dollar , Deutsche Mark , Yen and Euro as samples , reviews their process of internationalization , analyzes and obtains their respective characteristics .
